LKA License Plate Pre-registration!
LABP is in the process of collecting 450 prepaid applications.
We need 450 completed and paid application by December 31, 2023 to make the 2024 Virginia General Assembly Session.
Virginia Law requires the General Assembly to Authorize the issuance of any new special Interest license plate. The Department of Motor Vehicles(DMV) develops and issues the new license plates. All pre-paid applications and fees need to be collected prior to the start of the 2024 General Assembly session.

Preliminary, awaiting final DMV approval
Only $10 for each non personalized plate or $20 for each personalized plate.
Can you transfer your existing 6 digit number or personalized to the new plate – YES!!!
Please have your current registration card with you when completing the appliction.
Two ways to pay- online or by mail
You can print this pdf link (Licence Plate Development preorder request form VSA10D), complete the application and mail a check to:
LKA License Plate
Attention Matthew Custer
11709 Tuxworth TRL
Bumpass, VA 23024
Make Checks/Money order payable to: Lake Anna Business Partnership
Or you can preorder and pay online with a 2 step process:
Step 1
Go here to complete the License Plate Development Preorder request form VSA 10D. You must download the form. Be sure to complete one form for each vehicle. Once completed and signed, save a copy and email to:
Step 2
Use the cart options below to select each registration you are submitting. You will be connected to PayPal to complete the transaction.
Standard Plate $10.00
Vanity Plate $20.00
Frequently Asked Questions about Collecting Prepaid Applications:
Can the sponsor pay the license plate fee for the applicant? No. The applicant is responsible for submitting the application and payment to the sponsor.
Can someone else complete and sign and application for a vehicle owner? No.
Does the sponsor collect the vehicle registration renewal fee? No. The registration renewal fee is not included. The sponsor must only collect the plate and personalization fee, if appicable.
Will the applicant pay for this plate every year? Yes. Usually the plate fee is annual.
On what motor vehicles can the applicant use this plate? The plate may be displayedon passenger cars, multipurpose vehicles (i.e. Jeeps, Blazers, and motor homes) , vans, light duty/pickup trucks, and motorcycles.
Can this plate be used on a leased vehicle? Yes.
Can the applicant order a souvenir plate? No. Souvenir plates are not included as part of the required prepaid applications; however, souvenir plates will be available after DMV begins issuing the plates.
Can the applicant request the International Symbol of Access (ISA, aka wheelchair) on this plate? Yes. The ISA symbol (which indicates disabled parking privileges) can be requested.
Can the applicant transfer his existing personlized license plate number to the new plate? Yes. This can be done, as long as the plate number does not exceed the maximum characters assigned to the plate.
What is te applicant needs to update the application before it is processed (e.g., vehicle sold, address change etc.)? The applicant should submit a new application along with a brief explanantion to the sponsor. If update was due to an address change, the sponsor should remind the applicant to contact DMV directly to process a vehicle record address change.
How long will it take for DMV to process the application? After the bill passes and is signed by the Governor and becomes effective, and the 450 applications and payment are submitted to DMV, it will take approximately nine months to process the applications and mail the new plates, decals, and vehicle registration to the customers.