Lake Anna Business Partnership is excited to introduce a Mentorship program for entrepreneurs in the Lake Anna region!  Mentoring provides numerous benefits for both, the Mentor, and the Mentee, as well as the community.

How does this work?  We are looking for Volunteer Mentors from the LABP membership and soliciting referrals for the Mentees.  The Board will then select the first Mentees to be awarded a Mentorship and will be partnered with a Volunteer Mentor that matches their needs.

Mentees should apply here

Mentors should sign up here

Mentors will be volunteers from LABP however, Mentee can be from inside or outside of LABP.  If outside of LABP- they will be granted a 6-month FREE LABP membership with volunteer commitment.  They will be eligible for a possible 6-month extension, if approved.

This will be a 6-month commitment, with engagement at least once monthly.  If both parties, and LABP Board agrees, it can be extended for another 6 months, up to one year total.  The Mentorship Committee will have bi-monthly “check-ins”  (every two months) with Mentor and Mentee. With successful completion of 1 Year program, Mentee will be awarded a $500 grant!

Please consider being part of the Lake Anna Business Partnership Mentoring Program and help support the growth of our Community Businesses!

Mentees should apply here

Mentors should sign up here